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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Scarf Juggling magic.........

This is real juggling but even the
clumsiest of us (that's me) can do it
in a fairly short time.
You need 3 colorful, thin nylon squares to start. Hold one in one hand and two in the other. Toss one of those two a couple of feet in the air and then toss the single square from your other hand directly across to the hand that launched the first square upward.
Now you catch the falling square with your empty hand.
Continue with this sequence for a few seconds, then try some variations or even add a fourth square to the mix. It is fairly easy to keep the squares jumping and to catch them because the squares float a little. You don't have to be as polished or nimble as the experienced jugglers who use balls, clubs and even axes.
Keep your routine short until you have worked out some variations that make it more entertaining for your audience. A short routine like this needs a surprise finish. One that works well is to have another square with a small high-bounce ball sewn into it. Make sure that this square matches the color of at least one of the regular squares you use in your routine.
To finish, gather the squares together in one hand, then pick out the one with the ball with your other hand and wipe your forehead with it. "Accidentally" drop the square and your audience will be surprised to see the square fall, but then bounce back up so that you can catch it!

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